Second Quarter Update

What has happened during the second quarter of 2022 at Fort Baptist?

When we started the year...

When we started the year we started with the theme of preparation. We did a series named, "SAILS," and talked about our 5 areas of focus for us this year. These five areas were:

1) Spiritual Growth

2) Achieving Mindset

3) Impactful Worship

4) Loving Community

5) Strategic Stewardship

These five areas were areas we believed if we focused on those areas, they would prepare us for a wind of revival. Man, has that happened! Here were our goals under each of the 5 areas:

So far:

  • We've baptized TWELVE people!
  • Launched our men's and women's Squads on Sunday mornings
  • Launching 2 new Squads for Students on July 24!
  • Fort Students took 18 to camp and saw 5 salvations and several other decisions for Christ!
  • We're getting to move our midweek service from Thursdays to Wednesdays, and anticipate reaching more Kids and Students!
  • Added 9 new members
  • Had VBS and had over 50 in attendance, ranging in age from 3-18 years old, and more importantly, we had FOUR saved!

So far:

  • We've invited OVER 800-HUNDRED PEOPLE!!!! Our new goal is 1,000! Way to go!
  • We've had a killer off-campus party and outreach that went awesome!
  • Our first Love Your Neighbor Day was incredible, and we have one planned for this Fall!

So far:

  • We've been blown away with how awesome our new worship leader, Adam Bolin, and his precious family are! God is good!
  • We're adding more singers and a new musician, soon!
  • We have more people 'amening' and being expressive in worship than ever before! LOVE IT!

So far:

  • We've shared 6 fellowship meals together so far! We love getting together!
  • We had our first men's event of the year, Gravy and Guns, on March 5th, and we had 19 men there! Awesome!
  • We had our women's even and it was INCREDIBLE! The ladies showed up and the Lord showed out!
  • We're doing a volunteer appreciation for our VBS servants on 7/24 by paying for their ticket to a Lookouts game!

So far:

  • Our giving is trending up
  • We have started our building fund
  • We've crossed off the checking account goal and look forward to more!

Isn't God good?!

God has richly blessed us this first half of 2022! We can't wait to see what He does the rest of the year! Here are some other highlights in addition to our SAILS goals:

  • Our average attendance has doubled since January!
  • We saw eleven salvation in the month of June!
  • We continue having first-time guests who turn into regular attendees
  • We launched our logo and branding in January

Let's continue praying, serving, inviting, and lifting high the name of Jesus and see God's Kingdom continue spreading into our communities!