
Where you experience community by studying the Bible, caring for 1 another, & mobilizing to serve.

what is a squad?

We use the term 'Squad' for our small groups because squads are groups of up to 12 people who desire the advancement of God's Kingdom on earth. At Fort Baptist, our Squads advance the Kingdom of God by being an incredible place to find community where you gather with other believers to study the Bible, pray, mobilize to serve, and grow in your faith!

what happens at a squad meeting?

Squads meet for approximately 45 minutes to an hour to discuss Scripture for personal growth, pray, support one another, and mobilize to serve. You can expect to feel loved and encouraged every time your Squad meets!

what squads are offered, AND WHEN DO THEY MEET?

We are excited to offer adult Squads on Wednesday nights at 6:45, and boys’ and girls’ youth Squads on Sunday evenings at 6pm! You'll love the time of connection and growth before worship! We hope to launch more squads, soon!

Want to join a squad? Fill out the form below!